To see the presentations from the conferences, go via the intranet page to the sparepoint site
11 May 2016
3-4 November 2015 19-20 May 2015 18-19 November 2014 13-14 May 2014 8 April 2014 6-7 November 2013 14-15 May 2013 6-8 November 2012 14-16 May 2012 6-8 February 2012 22-24 August 2011 7 February 2011 |
iPower Closing Event DTU Risø
iPower Conference - iPower The Value of Flexibility, Dansk Energi Bella Center iPower Conference - From Research to Innovation DTI Århus and Grundfos iPower Conference Live Demonstrations & Presentations DTU Risø Consortium Meeting and General Assembly of the Partner Committee, AAU Copenhagen Demonstration of FLECH (FLExibility Clearing House) IBM Copenhagen iPower Consortium Meeting, DTI Århus iPower Consortium Meeting and General Assembly of the Partner Committee, DTU Risø iPower Consortium Meeting, DTU Lyngby and DTI Tåstrup iPower Consortium meeting, Vestas iPower Consortium Meeting and General Assembly of the Partner Committee, DTU Risø Official Launching of the SPIR platform iPower, DTI Århus Kick-off meeting, DTU Risø |